
Hey everyone, Peacekeeperalex here from ThePsychicWarGamers, part of the larger collective known as ThePsychicGamers. Our group is all about diving deep into the realms of video games and wargaming, but with a twist that sets us apart: we bring insights from the psychic-medium world into our commentary. Our main goal? To have a blast while exploring the strategy, action, and, yes, even the violence depicted in these games, but also to peel back the curtain on the spiritual dimensions that might be at play behind the digital battlegrounds.

At ThePsychicWarGamers, we’re all about those adrenaline-pumping genres filled with conflict and strategy. It’s here that we delve into the mechanics of warfare and combat in gaming, all while keeping an eye out for any spiritual undercurrents that could be influencing the game or reflecting deeper truths about the universe.

But that’s just one side of the coin. Over at ThePsychicGamers, we take a slightly different approach. This channel is our space to chill, explore, and discuss not just the games themselves but the spiritual echoes within them. It’s less about the clash of swords and more about the journey, the exploration, and the enlightening moments that games can offer. Here, we spotlight those moments of spiritual connection or revelation that can emerge even in the most casual gaming sessions.

In both channels, while we love getting into the thick of gaming action and spiritual exploration, there are times when we dial back the psychic-medium aspect to just focus on the gameplay. It’s important to us to maintain that balance, offering pure gaming content alongside our unique spiritual insights. This way, we cater to a broad spectrum of gamers—those who are here for the strategy and action, as well as those intrigued by the possibility of a deeper spiritual connection through gaming.

Our mission with ThePsychicWarGamers and ThePsychicGamers is to create a community where gaming and spirituality intersect in fascinating and meaningful ways. Whether it’s through dissecting the tactics of a virtual battlefield or musing on the spiritual implications of a game’s narrative, we’re here to add that extra layer of depth to your gaming experience. So, whether you’re a hardcore strategist or a casual explorer, we invite you to join us on this journey where pixels meet the spiritual and every game session can be an adventure into the unknown.

One of the things i realized as a Psychic-medium is that spirits really love video games, especially the violent depiction ones. It’s one of those things that when you start to read certain spiritual material and delve into certain kinds of spirituality that you sometimes don’t classically think about gaming and things of that nature. The experiences I had as a I would get older would lead to me to believe that there was many different kinds of gaming cultures and are those who would even view the existences in which we are experiencing as “game-like.” That plays upon the realities that must exist out there in the ultra realism of the seemingly unknown. The idea that what we are experiencing in life could be perceived as the game especially in regards to the kinds of stimuli that has been experienced can be quite intense but I would learn that there are existences in which potentially exist in which could be perceived as similar to our own in which might be labelled gaming realities. VR is a step in the direction of what were talking about in a certain kind of way but think of it in regards to not having to be able to where certain headsets or even gaming gear but rather multiple layers of incarnations.

As I’ve delved deeper into my work as a psychic-medium, I’ve stumbled upon some fascinating insights that bridge the spiritual realm with, of all things, the world of video games. It’s a connection that might raise some eyebrows, but from what I’ve encountered, spirits seem to have a particular affinity for video games, especially those of a more intense, even violent nature. This isn’t your everyday spiritual revelation, and it certainly took me by surprise at first.

In my journey through various spiritual materials and realms, I’ve come to see our reality, and potentially others, in a game-like light. This isn’t to trivialize our existence but to suggest that there’s a layer of interaction and engagement that we’re only beginning to understand. It’s as if life itself, with all its challenges, achievements, and narratives, mirrors the structure of a complex, multi-level game.

Taking it a step further, my experiences have led me to ponder the existence of realities that are, for lack of a better term, game-like. These aren’t mere simulations but vibrant, dynamic realms with their own rules, entities, and perhaps even objectives. The advancement of virtual reality technology offers a glimpse into this concept, showing us how immersive and ‘real’ a game can feel. But imagine a reality where the lines between game and life blur without the need for any gadgets or gear—where the experience of multiple incarnations adds layers to this cosmic gameplay.

From this perspective, the idea of spirits engaging with video games isn’t so far-fetched. Maybe they’re drawn to the intensity, the narratives, or the sheer vibrancy of these digital worlds. Or perhaps, in their way, they’re participating in an aspect of our reality that resonates with these other, game-like dimensions.

This notion challenges us to expand our understanding of reality, consciousness, and the many layers of existence that might surround us. It’s a thrilling, somewhat daunting idea, but one that offers endless possibilities for exploration and understanding. As we continue to push the boundaries of technology and spirituality, who knows what other connections we might uncover?

The idea that we could experience certain kinds of life within existences that could be a part of gaming worlds that exist beyond the stars and throughout certain parts of the spirit world is a possibility that fills me with Joy and excitement and the expanded idea leading towards being able to experience that within our current life is something creates admiration in regards to the spirit realm in regards to the opportunities and innovation shown. Within some of these realities the ever-present desire to experience the fictional brimstone  and violence depiction exists. We ask ourselves one simple question and one of the biggest tells comes to the the forefront, why do we like violent video game so much? You compare the desire, popularity and drive in regards to two categories of games, violent and non-violent. What is the difference and why is there such a disparity or even attention within these two genres? You can compare both genres and the Violent depiction theme might actually exist more so than not in regards to physical Earth Based Content.

The notion that our spirits could traverse or even originate from realms akin to vast, cosmic game worlds is something that deeply resonates with me, imbuing my soul with a sense of joy and wonder. The idea that these experiences, these adventures beyond our comprehension, might be accessible in some form during our earthly lives fills me with a profound respect and admiration for the spirit realm. It speaks to a level of creativity and innovation in the spiritual domain that far surpasses our human inventions.

When I reflect on the human fascination with video games, particularly those of a violent nature, it prompts a significant inquiry. Why is it that such games hold such allure and command such a vast audience? This question often leads me to ponder the contrasting appeal between violent and non-violent games. The stark difference in their reception and the sheer magnetism of the former genre suggests a deeper, perhaps innate, inclination within us.

Violent video games offer a conduit for experiencing intense, adrenaline-pumping scenarios that are far removed from our everyday lives. They provide an escape, a way to experience the extremes of existence—conflict, triumph, and survival—within a controlled, consequence-free environment. This allure, I believe, is not just a product of our earthly nature but might reflect a broader, more universal theme that pervades even the spirit world. The themes of challenge, struggle, and overcoming adversity are universal, echoing across the cosmos and resonating within the spiritual narratives that unfold beyond our physical realm.

The disparity in attention and popularity between violent and non-violent games could, in part, be a reflection of our deep-seated desire to explore these themes. It’s as if, through engaging with such games, we’re tapping into a primal, universal story—one that plays out not just on our screens but across the stars and within the ethereal planes of existence. This connection to something larger, something cosmic and deeply ingrained in the fabric of all existence, might explain why violent games, with their vivid depictions of struggle and triumph, resonate so profoundly with us.

In this light, the content of our video games, particularly those that lean towards violence and conflict, might not just be a reflection of earthly desires but a mirror to the grand, cosmic dramas that unfold in realms beyond our understanding. It’s a thought that opens up endless avenues for exploration and understanding, bridging the gap between our physical existence and the boundless possibilities of the spirit world.

Some of the qualities within the spirit world that I have observed to exist within the confines of gaming and other kinds is that of announcers and commentators. There is this notion that for a decent sized portion of physical earth human that there are spiritual commentators in one form or the other in which talk about what exactly we are doing when gaming. Some of it is also televised and translated in multiple kinds of ways in regards to the of entertainment in which the Spirit sometimes can interact with. One of the coolest things about gaming is the potential that you are interacting and playing with spirits from other dimensionals in many different capacities. The physical is sometimes viewed as in front of the scenes in certain capacities and for some of the spirit they may view us like certain kinds of Bigs. Imagine one of our gaming Avatar looking like Godzilla in the background to some sort of gaming battle happening in another dimensional existence in which can partially interact with our gaming movements. Other dimensional selves gaming with each other while we play video games in which we might not necessarily be fully aware of taking place.

The concept that elements of the spirit world parallel aspects of our gaming culture, particularly the roles of announcers and commentators, is fascinating and offers a profound expansion of how we understand interaction and observation within different realms of existence. The idea that spiritual beings might take an interest in our activities, especially gaming, to the extent of providing commentary and even broadcasting these events in the spirit realm, opens up a mesmerizing avenue of thought about the interconnectedness of all realms of existence.

The notion that our gaming experiences might be shared, observed, or even influenced by spirits from other dimensions adds a layer of depth to the act of gaming that transcends mere entertainment. It suggests that gaming could be a nexus point for cross-dimensional interaction, where the boundaries between the physical and the spiritual blur, allowing for a unique form of communication and shared experience.

The imagery of our gaming avatars appearing as colossal figures, akin to Godzilla, within the context of a spiritual or other-dimensional backdrop, provides a vivid metaphor for the impact and presence our actions might have beyond our immediate perception. It’s a compelling picture of how interconnected and influential our worlds might be, with our gaming movements and decisions rippling outwards into other realms, influencing and interacting with them in ways we might not fully comprehend.

This interdimensional perspective on gaming, where our actions might be part of a larger, more complex system of interactions spanning multiple dimensions, suggests that gaming is more than just a pastime. It could be a form of participation in a vast, multi-layered reality where our games are but one facet of a much larger, interconnected cosmic drama.

Considering the possibility that we might be gaming alongside or even against entities from other dimensions without our conscious knowledge adds an exhilarating dimension to the gaming experience. It elevates the act of playing a video game from a solitary or purely social activity to being part of a grand, multidimensional tapestry of interaction, where each move we make could be part of a larger dialogue with beings and realities beyond our current understanding.

This viewpoint not only enriches the gaming experience but also offers a broader perspective on existence itself, encouraging us to consider the unseen ways in which our lives are intertwined with the fabric of the universe and the myriad forms of consciousness that inhabit it.

ThePsychicWarGamers was created to be able relish in the fictional violence and sometimes realistic gameplay that has been created in multiple kinds of realms. To be able to facilitate cool gaming commentary and to lament upon spiritual gaming at times.

Happiness Achieved!